EEOA for New Ventures
New ventures must conduct an EEOA during the facility design phase. This assessment aims to identify economically feasible energy efficiency improvement opportunities. Additionally, new ventures should install instruments to monitor and report the energy performance of key energy-consuming systems, which account for at least 80% of the facility's total energy consumption, based on measured data in their annual usage report.

Rationale for Conducting EEOA
Energy Efficiency at Design Phase.
Why is it Important?
During the facility design phase, there are many chances for synergies in system design, especially in the early stages before finalizing choices. As design progresses, changing initial decisions becomes more costly and complex, often requiring a redesign of components. Later modifications have less impact on EE improvements and come with higher costs. Therefore, prioritizing EE early in the design process is crucial.
The graph shows how energy-saving potential decreases over the project lifecycle as investment costs for energy savings increase.
The EEOA requirements for new ventures is meant to ensure companies identify opportunities for EE improvements and consider them early for incorporation into the facility design.
Designing a facility to be energy and resource efficient can reduce:

Capital Cost of the Systems

Operating Cost

Maintenance Cost of The Systems
Key Elements of EEOA Process
Identify EEOs
Identification are made during Concept Engineering, considering optimum methods or processes and alternative technology choices
Identification for energy-consuming system, as calculated in FEED Stage
Evaluate Feasibility
Feasibility of implementing each EEO identified are assessed based on:
Financial metrics
Other metrics - e.g., annual carbon emissions
Shortlist Feasible EEOs
Incorporation of the shortlisted EEOs into final design
Calculation of energy and GHG savings from each EEO incorporated
Incorporate Opportunities Into Design
Facility details - e.g., expected annual energy consumption, specific energy consumption (SEC), and annual GHG emissions
Energy consuming system details - e.g., projected annual consumption, SEC, and annual GHG emissions
Details of EEOA process for new ventures are available on NEA's website